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Noritsu QSS Green IV

Noritsu QSS Green IV

More options, better business

The new Noritsu dry lab QSS Green IV is also suitable for both pure photo production and for the production of individual value-added photo products as well. This model, which can print on one side, is capable of accepting paper rolls up to 30.5 cm/12 inches wide and outputting photos in a wide variety of different formats, from 9 x 9 cm to 30 x 61 cm and even up to the panorama format of 30 x 175 cm. A second paper magazine for paper rolls up to 25.4 cm/10 inches wide can be used outside on the front door. In the 10 x 15 cm (152 x 102 mm) format, the QSS Green IV produces up to 670 photos/hour, in the 20 x 25 cm (254 x 203 mm) format up to 285 photos/hour and in the 20 x 30 cm (305 x 203 mm) format up to 260 photos/hour. The print resolution is either 720 x 720 or 1,440 x 1,440 dpi. Though the device does not include a sorter as standard, it can be outfitted with one if desired.



Type Inkjet device for printing paper rolls on one side for volume printing of photos and value-added photo production
Input* Digital image data in file formats JPEG, TIFF, PNG, RAW as DNG and S/W, CN and CU material and reflective materials after digitizing using optional scanners.
Paper widths
Paper step lengths
102, 127, 152, 203, 254, 305 mm
from 8.9 cm to 175.7 cm (if using an optional RIP PC)
Processing formats (nominal sizes)** From 9 x 9 cm to 30.5 x 61.0/optionally up to 175.7 cm *1
Maximum output format (nominal size)** Panorama print 30.5 x 175.7 cm *1
Processing capacity (nominal output)** 670 photos/hour for 10 x 15 cm at 720 dpi
285 photos/hour for 20 x 25 cm at 720 dpi, 260 photos/hour for 20 x 30 cm at 720 dpi
Printing system Piezo-inkjet technology; four colours with dot size manipulation (DSM)
Resolution (selectable) 720 x 720 or 1,440 x 1,440 dpi
Special features Paper widths up to 305 mm (12 inches), exterior magazine and internal spindle as standard, both for paper rolls; paper deck with easy-to-clean absorbers; optional 8x sorter with visual display of job interruption
Space requirements and empty weight of device Net floor space of approx. 0.46 m²; working area with movement zone of at least 2.5 m²
Weight (depending on the equipment) 120/152 kg
Power connection and output 230 V AC socket, 16 A
System-compatible accessories (optional) Noritsu film scanner models LS-600, LS-1100, HS-1800; RIP* PC (Raster Image Processor); SPC customer terminal and retailer/customer order processing software
Other Easy operation with EZ Controller, an up-to-date control computer (workstation); network-enabled via RIP PC

Comments on *

Input at EZ controller or system-compatible HPT terminal using currently available digital storage media (detailed, binding compatibility and capacity specifications of storage media as per device specifications and current, device-specific device manual)

Comments on **

Detailed, binding processing format and performance specifications as per device specifications and current, device-specific device manual.
Devices may vary depending on country and equipment and may deviate in individual points from the data specified here.

Comment on *1

Max. step length of 175.7 cm using an optional RIP PC, otherwise max. step length of 61 cm

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